Cultural Humility and Ethics in Play Therapy

FSC Kids 10400 N. Vineyard, Suite B, Oklahoma City, OK

Presenter: Nancy Rumley Soliz, MS, LMFT, RPT-S™ Course Description This course will explore definitions of cultural terms over time and what informs current best practices in working with various populations.  Participants will engage and explore how to set up a play room that is inclusive and the role of cultural humility.  Additionally, the ethics involved […]

Culture and Play Therapy: Working with Various Populations

FSC Kids 10400 N. Vineyard, Suite B, Oklahoma City, OK

Presenter: Nancy Rumley Soliz, MS, LMFT, RPT-S™ Course Description This course will focus on providing culturally sensitive play therapy in the treatment of diverse populations. Some of the populations to be discussed include:  various tribal cultures, military families, and foster care. Other cultural, socio-economic, and sexual identity/orientation will also be explored in using various play […]

Working with Trauma and Abuse in Play Therapy

FSC Kids 10400 N. Vineyard, Suite B, Oklahoma City, OK

Presenter: Nancy Rumley Soliz, MS, LMFT, RPT-S™ Course Description This course will explore the impact of trauma and abuse on their clients and how to effectively use play therapy to address these concerns. Clinicians will learn the importance of enhancing the safety in the play therapy room in order to work with clients experiencing trauma. […]

Mindfulness and Body Regulation in Play Therapy

FSC Kids 10400 N. Vineyard, Suite B, Oklahoma City, OK

Presenter: Julie Reising, LMFT, RPT-S ™ Course Description This course provides an overview on the relation of mindfulness and how it can impact mental health.  Mindful interventions and techniques will be explored and knowledge of how these approaches can be used to promote the healing of emotional and somatic problems in children. Learning Objectives Participants […]

Professional, Ethical, and Supervisory Development in Play Therapy

FSC Kids 10400 N. Vineyard, Suite B, Oklahoma City, OK

Presenter: Nancy Rumley Soliz, MS, LMFT, RPT-S™ Course Description This course will explore the professional and ethical considerations that are important to explore as a professional play therapist. Ethical issues concerning HIPAA compliance, working with special populations, and self-care will be discussed. Additionally, staying abreast on current research, consulting with other play therapy professionals, and […]