AutPlay® Therapy Training

Oklahoma City University 2501 N. Blackwelder Ave., Oklahoma City, OK, United States

Click Here to Register Sponsored by:I received my Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership (with a research emphasis in leadership qualities of counseling center and clinic directors), my Master’s Degree in Counseling, and my Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, National Certified Counselor, and a Registered Play Therapist Supervisor. I specialize in […]

Treatment Planning and Progress Notes in Play Therapy

FSC Kids 10400 N. Vineyard, Suite B, Oklahoma City, OK

Presenter: Brandy Guidry, MA LPC, RPT™ Course Description As a play therapist it is necessary to have knowledge of writing treatment plans and progress notes for accurate documentation. Using diagnostic criteria, treatment planning models, participants will be able to develop treatment plans that meet the needs of the child. Learning Objectives Participants will demonstrate writing […]

Play Therapy Across the Lifespan: Adults, Couples, and Groups

FSC Kids 10400 N. Vineyard, Suite B, Oklahoma City, OK

Presenter: Brandy Guidry, MA LPC, RPT™ Course Description Play Therapist should have knowledge of the lifespan applications of play therapy. This class will increase the therapist’s self-awareness, and knowledge about working with adults, couples, and groups. Learning Objectives Explain the importance of knowing development throughout the lifespan and play themes that are common in the […]

Family Play Therapy: Historically Significant Theories of Play Therapy

FSC Kids 10400 N. Vineyard, Suite B, Oklahoma City, OK

Presenter: Nancy Rumley Soliz, MS, LMFT, RPT-S™ Course Description Historically significant play therapy theories that utilize the family as the main component of treatment will be explored in this course. Participants will also explore the reason they may or may not utilize family therapy. Participants will have the opportunity to practice the skills throughout the […]

Uniting Family Therapy Theories with Play Therapy

FSC Kids 10400 N. Vineyard, Suite B, Oklahoma City, OK

Presenter: Nancy Rumley Soliz, MS, LMFT, RPT-S™ Course Description This course will take into consideration how the family can be used in play therapy.  Classic schools of family theories such as Systems, Bowenian, Structural, Strategic, Experiential, and Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy will be explored as well as post-modern theories of Solution-Focused and Narrative therapy will be […]

Using Sandtray in Play Therapy: Beginner

FSC Kids 10400 N. Vineyard, Suite B, Oklahoma City, OK

Presenter: Nancy Rumley Soliz, MS, LMFT, RPT-S™ Course Description This course will introduce the use of sand tray therapy as a therapeutic technique to be used in play therapy. It will explore the history and rationale of sandtray therapy and cover fundamental and sandtray techniques with individuals, families and groups. Participants will have the opportunity […]

Using Sandtray in Play Therapy: Advanced

FSC Kids 10400 N. Vineyard, Suite B, Oklahoma City, OK

Presenter: Nancy Rumley Soliz, MS, LMFT, RPT-S™  Course Description This course will expand the use of sand tray therapy as a therapeutic technique to be used in play therapy. It will further explore the history and rationale of sandtray therapy and cover advanced sandtray techniques with individuals, families and groups. Participants will have the opportunity […]

Cultural Humility and Ethics in Play Therapy

FSC Kids 10400 N. Vineyard, Suite B, Oklahoma City, OK

Presenter: Nancy Rumley Soliz, MS, LMFT, RPT-S™ Course Description This course will explore definitions of cultural terms over time and what informs current best practices in working with various populations.  Participants will engage and explore how to set up a play room that is inclusive and the role of cultural humility.  Additionally, the ethics involved […]

Culture and Play Therapy: Working with Various Populations

FSC Kids 10400 N. Vineyard, Suite B, Oklahoma City, OK

Presenter: Nancy Rumley Soliz, MS, LMFT, RPT-S™ Course Description This course will focus on providing culturally sensitive play therapy in the treatment of diverse populations. Some of the populations to be discussed include:  various tribal cultures, military families, and foster care. Other cultural, socio-economic, and sexual identity/orientation will also be explored in using various play […]

Working with Trauma and Abuse in Play Therapy

FSC Kids 10400 N. Vineyard, Suite B, Oklahoma City, OK

Presenter: Nancy Rumley Soliz, MS, LMFT, RPT-S™ Course Description This course will explore the impact of trauma and abuse on their clients and how to effectively use play therapy to address these concerns. Clinicians will learn the importance of enhancing the safety in the play therapy room in order to work with clients experiencing trauma. […]